Lots of us have been journalling with the story of Jonah this summer using the latest kit from Bible Journalling UK. Then last week I got the chance to lead a workshop using the materials with a room full of
Order out of chaos
I’ve been enjoying putting Psalm 8 journalling kits together this week. The workshop on Saturday is sold out and I’m praying it will be a blessing and in inspiration to all the good folks at Christ Church, not least the
2019 Verse for the Year
Happy New Year! Will the New Year be happy? Is there anything we can do about it? Of course there are lots of things we cannot control, but we do have power over our own priorities, attitudes, responses and self-care.
Have you found your inner sheep?
As adults we often carry a lot of responsibility. Some of us work in places with lots of stress and high pressure – be it at home caring for family, or beyond. We encounter pain and suffering either first hand
Too much Psalm 23
Can you read the Bible too much? Can you know Scripture too well? Take Psalm 23 for example. Many of us know it by heart. Most of us have sung the song and know all the words. We only need