I’ve been thinking about pilgrimage a lot lately, probably because I can’t go on one with all the restrictions still in place! Is it possible to ‘go’ on a pilgrimage without actually leaving home? What does it mean to walk
Preparing to Prepare – Advent 2018
It’s a week to go until Advent Sunday and I find myself ‘preparing to prepare’. Advent is traditionally a time of preparation: as we get ready for Christmas we think about what it means for God to appear on earth
Reflections on the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ Creative Bible Journalling Retreat
Last week was one of those pivotal experiences where you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you and telling you that ‘this is the way, walk in it’. Since I started leading Bible Journalling UK a year ago, I’ve done a
Fruit of the Spirit kits available for you to use at home
I’ve been posting on Facebook about the beautiful experience of leading a retreat last week on the Isle of Cumbrae, journalling with the Fruit of the Spirit. Several of you expressed sadness that you couldn’t join in – it’s certainly